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Assemble a complete Payroll-Based Journal report with the help of our direct integration.


Find and adjust errors. Pass levels of approval before the final submission.


Submit a single PBJ file directly to CMS.

Use PBJConnect with 3 easy steps

Find out how we can help you

Working together, we'll help you find the right solution that helps you achieve your goals, and fits your budget.

Highlights of our featured product - PBJConnect

Cloud-Based, SaaS Solution

Connect anytime, anywhere and on any device in the cloud. 

Advanced Capabilities and Direct Integration

We don't stop with the basics. Find out how you can reduce your preparation time with our direct integration and so much more!

How is your 5-Star Rating?

Learn how PBJ Connect can help you build and maintain a high 5-Star Rating!

Stay CMS Compliant

Stay up to date on how to stay CMS compliant with your PBJ Connect solution

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